Credit, finance and insurance
Management of the entire process
Financial institution

Better reliability of the risk rating
The risk rating of a farm is fundamental. In agriculture there are a number of variables that can be observed from outside the farm and which help to assess the risk of a farm and a farmer.
Gathering data from reliable sources
It is essential to collect data directly from the farmer, as is the opportunity to put certified sensors on the farm to allow the business to expand (for example a weather station for Index Insurance).
The value for the farmer
A great opportunity exists to transfer value to the farmer (agriculture 4.0) and to protect the investment (e.g. crop protection tools).
Choose the best customers, save time during the signing of the contract, monitor solvency in advance
Insurance Companies

System for identifying agricultural parcels and quantifying damage
Gather accurate information on crops and crop areas.
Event detection and data protection with blockchain using two-factor authentication
A certified weather station is used to collect evidence in the field of a specific event causing damage. The event can be detected by the satellite and/or the ground sensor. Weather station data is tokenised using blockchain technology and verified based on data from two different sources. Detection of a damaging event triggers the creation of the Claims Management Process Checklist.
App for handling claims
Simplify claims and prevent fraud.
Accurately map and classify the land used by agriculture, detect and quantify the damaging event, manage claims