All innovations scare us at first, but today can you imagine a life without a microwave oven or a mobile phone? Technology …

1- Ensuring funding and tools for farmersIt is necessary to safeguard the wellbeing of all people working in the supply chains and …

Agriculture 4.0: in a nutshell, what it’s all aboutAgriculture 4.0 can be considered the evolution of precision agriculture, which consists of using …

“Technologies 4.0 to support the agronomist”, a new training course dedicated to the Agronomy and Forestry Associations. Various online events will continue …

Today, smart farming is a safe investment that guarantees specific benefits such as saving time, money, resources, optimising production and yield in …

The Mediterranean Diet, by unanimous decision, became part of Unesco’s intangible cultural heritage in 2008. Bread, pasta, fruit, vegetables, extra virgin olive …

An effective administration of micronutrients and macronutrients must always take into account the amount of nutrients taken up by the crop in …

Carbon sequestration and irrigation resource optimisation strategies were devised in the 1970s in the United States to reduce the effects of soil …