How to save irrigation resources and protect soil from post-harvest erosion

Carbon sequestration and irrigation resource optimisation strategies were devised in the 1970s in the United States to reduce the effects of soil erosion, thereby reducing the loss of fertility (organic matter) due to rainfall and wind. 

Minimal tillage, in addition to reducing fuel consumption, has the potential to decrease the amount of organic carbon exposed to the risk of erosion. In addition, sowing post-harvest improves soil water retention. This effect is due to the covering of the soil by vegetation that intercepts raindrops, thus reducing the rate of rainwater run-off.   

The monitoring of soil water availability can be performed continuously through the use of technological innovations consisting of sensors (tensiometers) and network connections via the cloud (IoT and 4.0 technologies). Integrating all these data provides strategic information to optimise the management of agricultural practices.